Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life is Precious

Yesterday afternoon, word was going around at work that one of our pilots had passed away while on a layover. Tom was one of the most respected pilots at the company and recently celebrated his 20th anniversary here. I did not know him, but find myself saddened all the same. People who did know him all have incredible things to say about his character, professional demeanor and personality. He apparently suffered a heart attack while running and was found by a passerby. We really just never know when our time is up; a great reminder to live life to the fullest and make the most of each and every day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yosemite from FL250

Geocaching in YLW

Today, as I set out on my usual run in Kelowna in Mission Creek Park, I saw our flight attendant Peggy. GPS in hand, she was in search of two geocaches located in the area. I've heard of geochaching, but didn't really know much about it and asked if I could tag along. It took us about 20 minutes to locate the first cache using the GPS and a description from the internet. Partway up a hill, at the base of a tree, under some logs and leaves, was a small ammo box containing a note pad and a few miscellaneous items that the founders of the cache site and other cachers installed. Canada was the theme of the cache; among the items was a mini Canadian flag. Peggy signed the log and left a "travel bug," a key ring with a numbered tag on it that she registered on line. The idea is that someone else takes the bug and leaves it somewhere else. It can be tracked on line to see how far it goes. A fun detour from my scenic run!